March 2019, Miami-
Artnet News article “It’s a Nightmare”: The Venezuelan Art Community Struggles to Stay Afloat Amid a National Political Upheaval by Brian Boucher. March 13, 2019.
“… private or corporate bodies, like the Colección Mercantil Arte y Cultura, with large holdings of Venezuelan art, and the Juan Carlos Maldonado Art Collection in Miami, have also been key, lending art internationally. These collections have supported exhibitions such as “Embracing Modernity: Venezuelan Geometric Abstraction,” at the Frost Art Museum in Miami and “Contesting Modernity: Informalism in Venezuela, 1955-1975″ at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Venezuela-born artist Patricia Van Dalen called the Houston show “a revelation even for me,”while critic John Yau said it was nothing less than “a rescue mission for Venezuelan modernism.“”
Photo: Mateo Manaure, Untitled, 1977. JCMAC lent this piece, among other, to The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum Frost Art Museum for the exhibition Embracing Modernity: Venezuelan Geometric Abstraction.